Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Natural Weight Loss

Simply put - eat right and keep active, and you too can prevent becoming overweight. It's as simple as that!

The above is easy to follow but the majority of people, don't really do this.

We all have very different reasons why we want to lose weight, sometimes it's due to health problems, sometimes because we want to look and feel good.  The fact remains though, that it really is not that difficult.

You might have heard some people say that they are too old to lose weight, but if you avoid putting the weight on in the first place, then there's nothing to lose anyway.  So the message is a very simple one. If you don't put in on, you won't have to lose it!

It is a well known fact that most people who go on diets and use weight programs, tend to lose interest after a while.  They tend to go back to their 'old' eating habits, consisting of foods high in fat and carbohydrates.  Although they probably still do some exercise, they don't lose any weight.

I've heard many people say that as they get older, they seem to be putting on more weight.  Well that because, the amount of food consumed is being stored by the body and not being used as fuel when they exercise.  There are also a number of good medical reason why weight loss is a must.

If you feel healthy and are not overweight, chances are that you will not have as many medical complaints, and you will feel good about yourself as well.

These days, the importance of excess weight is more than cosmetic. The news is full of medical facts directly linking excessive weight, to people’s physical health.

A Simple and Natural way to Losing Weight…using 'CFPs'

As I've already mentioned, eating the right food and keeping active is simple, and yet so many of us find this very difficult to follow.  We all know which foods are good for us, and which are not.  Losing weight for some of us becomes like climbing Mount Everest, but it really doesn't have to be that way!

You should try to adopt a sensible and reasonable approach to natural weight loss - investigate and stick to a diet that is low in fat, but high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, and moderate in protein.

Look at it this way:
  •  Your baked potato as  a complex Carbohydrate. 
  •  Vegetables will provide you with the Fiber.
  •  Lean meat is your Protein.

Leave out the butter, you would put on your baked potato and leave the chips to someone else!

Always bear in mind that 'dietary fat' is very rich in calories and thus promotes weight gain.  When eaten in excess, the calories from dietary fat, are stored by the body as fat.

Avoid products that are supposedly low-fat or 'fat-free'.  Manufacturers still use fat in the preparation of these foods, but it's probably called something that the consumer would not be aware of.

Even consuming foods labeled as containing “no fat”, the fact is they contain just as many calories as foods without the label.

We are often falsely lead into believing that "fat-free" means just that.  We think that we can eat as much of these foods as we like.  This is a very clever sales tactic, devised by the advertiser.

What you should not do is starve yourself.  If you feel  hungry, then you should have a healthy snack. Just try eating snacks 4 - 5 times a day, bearing in mind your snacks should be low-fat and not high in fat contents.

To lose weight naturally, remember you are not going to use pills, or other helpful aids to do so.

Natural weight loss, should be a process, and you have to be determined.  This will mean being determined to change your eating habits, and to take more regular exercise.

For more information on effective weight loss, see

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